Friday, 10 October 2008

A Meme

Gacked from Marireads

What was the last book you bought?
I just bought The Book Thief by Markus Zusak last night on Mariread’s recommendation and The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.

Name a book you have read MORE than once
Pride and Prejudice. I re-read books all the time, mostly classics, but sometimes Pratchett or Christie when I’m in the mood. I’ve also waited years and then gone back and reread mystery series when I can’t remember whodunit. Rereads are always good for when I can’t afford new books (there are no easily accessible English Libraries here) I think I’ve read most of my books more than once.

Has a book ever fundamentally changed the way you see life? If yes, what was it?
I wouldn’t necessarily say that a single book has fundamentally changed the way I see life, but I think books as a whole do. I’m happier overall when I have time to read, which is always life changing, and each book leaves its own little impression on me. All of the little things add up to make the whole different than it was.

How do you choose a book? eg. by cover design and summary, recommendations or reviews
All of the above, but often recommendations from friends.

Do you prefer Fiction or Non-Fiction?Fiction!
I don’t really care for non-fiction unless it’s really entertaining. I get enough of reality as it is. I don’t need more of it in my fun time.

What’s more important in a novel - beautiful writing or a gripping plot?
I would say that both are an integral part of any book. Beautiful writing without a plot is boring and a great plot with horrible writing is unreadable. A really great book is well written, good plot, and all good books have a good dollop of plot and writing as well.

Most loved/memorable character (character/book)
Frodo from The Lord of the Rings, or Miss Marple from Agatha Christie, or Laura Ingalls Wilder; how do you choose? They all feel like old friends.

Which book or books can be found on your nightstand at the moment?
I’ve put a few away because it was getting a little crowded, so at the moment, I only have Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy, Wyrd Sisters and The Dark Side of the Sun by Terry Pratchett.

What was the last book you’ve read, and when was it?
I finished The Host by Stephanie Meyer the day before yesterday.

Have you ever given up on a book half way in?
Oh yes. Lots of times. Wuthering Heights is one I often only manage half of. I’m also having trouble with The Dark Side of the Sun. I can’t always make myself finish something just because I should.

1 comment:

Mari said...

It wasn't me that recommended THe BOok Thief, but I do want to read it! :)